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School Fees

         Session 2024-25   

  1. Holiday List                        

  2. Fees Structure and Fees Regulation

  3. Distribution of Stationary & Books

  4. Uniform        




Session 2023-24 

  1. Holiday List                          

  2. Fees Structure & Rules

  3. Distribution of Stationery & Books                



CIRCULAR 1                                          CIRCULAR2

CIRCULAR 3                                          CIRCULAR4




CIRCULAR 1                                             CIRCULAR 2

CIRCULAR 3                                             CIRCULAR4


For paying school fees kindly click on the link given below.

Click to pay Admission, Annual and Others Fees


Click to pay Monthly Fees

Please tick the Fees Regulation check box to proceed the fees payment

Monthly Fees to be paid from 1st to 10th day of the Month

I have read all FEES REGULATION carefully.

Step-1 Open/Copy the url

Step -2 Select Educational from Category option.

Step-3 Search by name “Gokhale Memorial Girls School”

Step-4 Select Gokhale Memorial Girls’ School Annual Fee/Monthly Fee

Step- 5 Choose the relevant details and pay the fee.


  1. Fees for 2 months only at a time to be paid at the beginning of New Session and Fees for March to be cleared by 10th of February.
  2. Parents/Guardians may deposit advance fees at their discretion. To avoid some technical hazards parents/guardians will be allowed for only one transaction in a month to pay their desired fees (dues, current or advance). However, it has sometimes been noticed that though a guardian pays fees in advance the pupil concerned dose not attend school at all or for prolonged periods. This is not permissible and the school reserves the right to remove the name of such pupil from the register. The name of the pupil who is absent for a month without prior notice and permission, may be struck off the register.
  3. Payment to be made through online between the 1st and 10th of the month. Defaulters will be charged fine as per fees structure for one or two months of default, as applicable.
  4. Defaulters : (a) in case a student is a defaulter for three consecutive months her name will be struck off the Rolls and she may be re-admitted at the discretion of the principal on payment, as per fees structure, of all arrears along with Re- admission Fees. (b) Reports will be withheld for the defaulters.
  5. (a) The entire fees for all items (excluding Stationery), will be payable in New Session (As per fees structure)*. (b) No part payment of any fees will be accepted.
  6. (a) NO REFUND OF ANY FEES SHALL BE MADE ONCE A PUPIL IS ADMITTED INTO THE SCHOOL. (b) One calendar month’s notice in writing or one month’s fee in lieu thereof is required before withdrawal of a child from the school.
  7. These rules are not exhaustive and in no way limit the right of the school to alter or introduce any other rule to regulate the collection of fees and other charges and such changed provisions shall override the provisions mentioned here.