School Terms
Pre Mid Term- APRIL-JUNE
Annual- February
Board Exam – March
Rules of the School
- Admission in every case implies an undertaking on the part of a student to respect the rules and the discipline of the Institution. The Class Captain elected by the pupils and the School Captain / Vice- Captain have the responsibilities of maintaining the discipline of the School besides the Headmistress and Staff.
- Classes begin at 10.00 a.m. and end at 4p.m. for secondary.
- The School is not responsible for the loss of books, money, clothes etc. It is not advisable to bring valuable articles to the School. All are advised to bring their books etc. in a bag or a case that may be securely locked.
- The students are reminded to address their teachers and all members of the staff with due respect and politeness. In all circumstances they are expected to have a gentle womanly manner and with strict discipline.
- Students are warned not to damage any school furniture, or any School property. A heavy fine may be imposed on any pupil or class for doing so. Students must make the best use of the library on borrowing books and returning those within 7 days from the date of issue. Loss of library books must be replaced by the borrower or she is to pay a fine, to be decided by the Principal.
- Students are not allowed to wear valuable jewellery in School. They cannot put on nail polish, mehendi or nose rings when they come to School. Strict action will be taken if they violate the rules.
- Pupils whose conduct is injurious to the moral tone of the School or incompatible with strict discipline are liable to be dismissed. In particular, stealing, resorting to unfair means during tests and examination, or any form of obscenity, verbally or in writing, will be dealt with very sternly. Girls whose presence, in the opinion of the Headmistress, is not beneficial or whose application is unsatisfactory or whose parents/guardians show little interest in their progress will be requested to withdraw from the School.
- Students are forbidden to take tuition’s from their own teachers, be they class or subject teachers.
- Absence from School unless truly excusable and proved so, is strongly objected to and punishable. The absentees may not be allowed to sit for the ensuing test. However, parents must not send a sick child to School, not even for a test.
- A request for leave of absence must be made in writing by the parents to the Headmistress.
- Mobile phones, Cameras and other electronics articles are strictly prohibited. Students must not carry more than Rs. 100/- to School.